Category Archives: General Observations

General comment on environmental issues

1,4-dioxane in drinking water – Part 2: Regulatory Stalemate

February 23, 2025. The previous post addressed the human health risks associated with 1,4 dioxane. Two approaches to limiting the release of 1,4 dioxane to North Carolina drinking water sources have been blocked in the last two years.  For almost 50 years, an existing EMC rule (often referred to as the “narrative standard”) has been used to limit the discharge of a toxic water pollutant if  the EMC has not yet adopted an individual rule setting a water quality standard for the pollutant.   That rule has recently been the subject of legal challenges.  Several North Carolina cities that contested  use of the narrative standard  to limit 1,4 dioxane releases also opposed EMC adoption of a rule setting a water quality standard for 1,4 dioxane.  As described below, the result has been an administrative court order barring use of the narrative standard to limit discharge of 1,4 dioxane; a stymied effort to adopt a rule setting an individual water quality standard for 1,4 dioxane; and the loss (at least in the short term) of any effective means to regulate discharge of  1,4 dioxane to North Carolina drinking water sources.  

Challenges to the “Narrative Standard” for Toxic Water Pollutants. An existing water quality rule,  15A NCAC 2B.0208, directs the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)  to ensure that

the concentration of toxic substances, either alone or in combination with other wastes, in surface waters shall not render waters injurious to aquatic life or wildlife, recreational activities, or public health, nor shall it impair the waters for any designated uses.

The rule (often referred to as the  “narrative standard”) goes on to set out specific methods for calculating the allowable concentration of a toxic substance in surface waters based on toxicity or association with increased cancer risk. The EMC uses the same methods set out in 15A NCAC 2B.0208 to develop and adopt a rule setting the water quality standard for an individual toxic pollutant. The “narrative standard” establishes the equations to be used in calculating the concentration of  a toxic water pollutant that would protect human health; an EMC rule setting  the water quality standard for an individual toxic pollutant reflects the number that results from those same equations.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires every state that issues federal Clean Water Act (CWA) permits for wastewater discharges  — National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits — to adopt a version of the narrative standard.  The standard exists specifically to address new pollutants or new information about health and environmental risks associated with known pollutants. In the absence of the narrative standard, the state would have no clear, predictable and timely method for limiting release of a newly identified toxic and/or cancer-causing pollutant.  The state process for adopting a rule setting a water quality standard for an individual pollutant takes a minimum of  2-3 years, but can and often does take longer. The N.C. “narrative standard” rule has been in place since  EPA approved the state’s NPDES permitting  program in 1976.  

The City of Asheboro’s wastewater treatment system discharges to a tributary of the Cape Fear River which is a drinking water source for a number of downstream communities. After monitoring data showed periodically high levels of 1,4 dioxane in Asheboro wastewater discharges, DEQ added a 1,4 dioxane limit to the city’s NPDES permit in 2023. The permit gave the city an initial permit limit of 55.7 parts per billion (ppb) and required phased reductions over five years to a final limit of 21.58 ppb. The final permit limit reflected the concentration of 1,4 dioxane at the discharge point that would allow downstream drinking water sources to meet the health based standard calculated under 15A NCAC 2B.0208.  

The City of Asheboro appealed the 1,4 dioxane permit limit.  The cities of Greensboro and Reidsville, which have also been sources of periodically high 1,4 dioxane releases, joined the appeal in support of Asheboro.  The cities argued that an NPDES permit limit  must be based on a rule setting a  numerical water quality standard for the individual pollutant and cannot be based on a toxic pollutant standard calculated under 15A NCAC 2B.0208. 

In September 2024, Chief Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Donald van der Vaart ruled in favor of the cities. The decision held that DEQ lacked authority to impose a permit limit based on an in-stream standard for a toxic pollutant calculated under 15A NCAC 2B.0208.  Alternatively, the ALJ held that  DEQ misapplied the “narrative standard” by treating 1,4 dioxane as a human carcinogen and calculating the in-stream value based on carcinogenicity. The order voided the 1,4 dioxane limit on the City of Asheboro NPDES permit.

The failed attempt to set a water quality standard for  1,4 dioxane by rule.  In 2022, the EMC adopted a rule setting a numerical water quality standard for 1,4 dioxane. The rule could not  go into effect unless the N.C.  Rules Review Commission (RRC)  approved it under four criteria set out in G.S. 150B-21.1.  The rule must be:

1. Within the authority delegated to the agency by the General Assembly.

2. Clear and unambiguous.

3. Reasonably necessary to implement or interpret an enactment of the General Assembly, or of Congress, or a regulation of a federal agency…and

4. Adopted in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act (APA)  rule-making process.

Since the APA requires a fiscal analysis for certain types of rules,  the fourth criteria allows the RRC to disapprove a rule based on agency failure to prepare a required fiscal analysis. 

Several cities  submitted comments to the RRC  opposing  the 1,4 dioxane standard proposed by the EMC in 2022. The RRC ultimately objected to the 2022 1,4-dioxane rule based on the fourth criteria — that the EMC failed  to adopt the rule in accordance with APA rule-making requirements. The specific objection was that the fiscal analysis of the rule was inadequate. The  RRC objection prevented the rule from moving through the final steps required for the 1,4 dioxane standard to go into effect. 

In September 2022, the EMC voted to appeal the RRC objection to Superior Court on the grounds that the RRC had no authority to object to a rule based on the content of the fiscal analysis. G.S. 150B-21.4 gives the Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) authority to approve or disapprove the fiscal analysis of a proposed rule.  The  EMC appeal argued that the EMC  fully complied with APA rulemaking requirements by submitting an OSBM-certified fiscal analysis for the 1,4 dioxane rule.   The appeal took several twists and turns,  including voluntary dismissal of the initial appeal petition for technical reasons and months of settlement negotiations with the RRC. In early November 2023,  EMC legal counsel re-filed the appeal petition in Superior Court in the expectation that the case could be resolved quickly based on a settlement  that would withdraw the RRC objection.

The 1,4 dioxane rule  then became caught up in legislative changes in appointments to the EMC. Under Session Law 2023-136, the political makeup of the EMC shifted from a majority of governor’s appointees to a majority appointed by legislative leaders and the Commissioner of Agriculture. As a result, the EMC flipped from a Democratic to a Republican majority. The law also removed the Governor’s power to appoint the EMC chair, requiring that the chair be elected from among the members. The new Republican majority elected legislative appointee J.D. Solomon as chair at the November 2023 EMC meeting.  

Although the EMC’s legal counsel reportedly advised Chair Solomon in November 2023 that a settlement agreement with the RRC was being drafted, no settlement was ever finalized and EMC members never received any update on conclusion of settlement negotiations. In January 2024, the new EMC majority  voted to dismiss the appeal entirely on the recommendation of Chair Solomon. Dismissal of the appeal allowed the objection to the 1,4 dioxane rule to stand and prevented the proposed rule from moving forward. 

State of Play. As noted above, a Rules Review Commission objection prevents a proposed rule from moving through the final steps necessary for  the rule to go into effect. The EMC decision to dismiss  the appeal of the RRC objection in January 2024 allowed the objection to  stand and prevented the rule from going into effect. Since then,  the EMC has taken no steps toward adoption of a rule setting a numerical standard for 1,4 dioxane.  

DEQ has appealed the ALJ ruling on the City of Asheboro NPDES permit. In the meantime, DEQ complied with the decision  by issuing a revised permit with no 1,4 dioxane limit in November of 2024.  A few weeks ago, water quality monitoring found that levels of 1,4 dioxane released by the City of Asheboro had increased exponentially since modification of the permit. A DEQ press release reported concentrations of 2200 ppb in Division of Water Resources (DWR) samples taken from the Asheboro discharge on January 25, 2025 — 100X the proposed final NPDES permit limit of 22 parts per billion. Samples taken by the city showed  concentrations as high as 3500 parts per billion. A DWR graph shows the dramatic increase in the monthly average 1,4 dioxane concentration in the Asheboro wastewater discharge 

Note: I am a current governor’s appointee and past chair of the EMC.  The post reflects my analysis of the rulemaking history and does not represent those of the  EMC as a body or any of its members. 

Edit Note: The original post has been edited to correct a typo in the citation for the “narrative standard” rule, which is 15A NCAC 2B.2028. 

1,4-dioxane in drinking water — Part 1

January 19, 2025. In March 2022, the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission (EMC) adopted a numerical water quality standard for a toxic chemical called 1,4-dioxane. The  water quality standard would have established the safe level of 1,4-dioxane in rivers, lakes and streams used as a drinking water source. The standard would  also become the benchmark for setting permit limits on wastewater treatment plant discharges of 1,4-dioxane to those waters.  The 2022 water quality standard never went into effect and there is no immediate prospect of EMC adoption of a numerical 1,4-dioxane standard.  This post concerns the health risks associated with 1,4-dioxane in North Carolina drinking water. Later posts will relate the tangled history of the  unsuccessful effort (to date) to adopt a  1,4-dioxane standard and discuss the cost of controlling the toxic pollutant.

What are the health effects of exposure to 1,4-dioxane? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has identified 1,4-dioxane (a chemical often used in solvents) as a toxic substance that affects the liver and nasal tissue. Chronic or acute exposure to 1,4-dioxane can  also have toxic effects on the kidneys, brain and lungs. In addition, EPA studies link exposure to 1,4-dioxane with increased cancer risk in humans.

EPA issued a risk determination for 1,4-dioxane in 2020 that largely focused on worker exposure to the chemical. In November 2024, EPA released a revised  Unreasonable Risk Determination for 1,4-dioxane that also considered the risk to the general public of exposure through drinking water. In the 2024 report, EPA concluded that:

1,4-dioxane presents an unreasonable risk of injury to health under the conditions of use…EPA’s final determination is based on cancer and non-cancer risks (from liver toxicity and effects in the olfactory epithelium) to workers and occupational non-users (ONUs) from inhalation and dermal exposures, and cancer risks to the general population, including fenceline communities, from exposures to 1,4-dioxane in drinking water sourced from surface water contaminated with industrial discharges of 1,4-dioxane (including when it is generated as a byproduct). 

Unreasonable Risk Determination, page 3. Based on the risk data, EPA established a health guideline of 0.35 nanograms per liter (μg/L) in drinking water and 80 μg/L in other waters.  Note: nanograms per liter and parts per billion (ppb)  are essentially equivalent measures; some sources cited here refer to 1,4 dioxane levels in parts per billion.

Is 1,4 dioxane a problem in North Carolina drinking water? North Carolina’s  Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) began investigating 1,4-dioxane levels in the Cape Fear River Basin more than  ten years ago.   The Cape Fear River Basin extends from tributaries of the Haw River in north-central North Carolina to the coast. Water bodies in the Cape Fear River Basin  provide drinking water for a number of public water systems serving hundreds of thousands of citizens,  including systems  serving  Pittsboro,  Fayetteville, Wilmington and New Hanover County.  Data collected in 2014-2016 documented levels of 1,4 dioxane exceeding acceptable health exposure levels and identified wastewater treatment plants in the upper Cape Fear River Basin as the likely source:

…four areas of high 1,4-dioxane concentration were identified. Three of the four areas were located immediately downstream of domestic wastewater treatment facilities (WWTF), and one was further downstream of a WWTF, as well as downstream of an inactive textile manufacturing site and other possible legacy source.

1,4-dioxane Monitoring in the Cape Fear River Basin, page 4.

Later monitoring found wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Greensboro, Burlington, Reidsville and Asheboro to be sources of 1,4-dioxane releases to surface waters.  1,4-dioxane is not a product or by-product of wastewater treatment.  Targeted monitoring has generally traced 1,4-dioxane in municipal wastewater  to  an industrial or waste disposal facility discharging to the  municipal system.

In May 2024, DEQ issued a report to the N.C. legislature on 1,4-dioxane in North Carolina drinking water sources and the potential health effects. The report documented the presence and likely sources of 1,4-dioxane in state waters in excess of health guidelines.  The report concluded that North Carolina residents are:

  1. Exposed to 1,4-dioxane concentrations that may be two times the national average in drinking water and as much as 4 times national averages in surface and groundwater; and 
  2. Based on earlier sampling in public water systems nationwide, North Carolinians only received half the protection from 1,4-dioxane as citizens in rest of the nation.

1,4-dioxane in Drinking Water Legislative Report.

Effect on downstream drinking water systems. Conventional drinking water treatment does not remove 1,4-dioxane.  On multiple occasions in the last five years, the 1,4-dioxane level in the Town of Pittsboro’s drinking water spiked in response to high levels of 1,4-dioxane released by an upstream  WWTP.  Following a 2022 release from Greensboro’s T.Z. Osborne WWTP to a tributary of the Haw River nearly 50 miles upstream, Pittsboro measured 1,4-dioxane at concentrations as high as 11.9 ppb in Pittsboro’s treated drinking water. Those levels significantly exceeded  EPA’s  health guideline for drinking water  of 0.35 μg/L (or  0.35 ppb).   The Town of Pittsboro has at times been forced to temporarily shut off  the water system’s Haw River intake and  provide bottled water to residents until a slug of 1,4-dioxane  has passed further downstream.

The well-known toxicity and likely cancer-causing effects of 1,4-dioxane as well as the documented impact on drinking water in the Cape Fear River Basin led to the EMC’s 2022 adoption of a water quality standard  based on the EPA health guideline of 0.35 μg/L per liter for water bodies used as a drinking water source. As noted above, the rule has never gone into effect. More about that in the next post.

Groundwater Standards for PFAS — Public Health and Regulatory Relief

July 11, 2024. Yesterday, the Environmental Management Commission’s Groundwater and Waste Management Committee voted to recommend against moving forward with groundwater standards for five of eight per and poly-fluorinated substances (PFAS)  included in a Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) rulemaking proposal. It  may be an unprecedented decision to reject health-based standards that would also provide regulatory relief to business and protect property values.

DEQ has proposed two sets of PFAS rules for EMC adoption.  One rule package proposes groundwater standards for eight  per and poly-fluorinated substances (PFAS)  prevalent in the state — PFOS, PFOA, GenX, PFBS, PFNA, PFHxS, PFBA, and PFHxA. The second rule package proposes parallel surface water standards for the same substances.  Both sets of rules establish health-based standards for ingestion of the substances in drinking water. The surface water standards also take fish consumption into consideration since PFAS can bioaccumulate in fish tissue. Scientific research has documented that these substances are toxic; accumulate in the human body;  and persist in the environment for long periods of time. Some have been identified as a likely cancer risk in humans.

Surface water standards would largely be enforced through discharge limits on industrial and municipal wastewater systems identified as potentially significant PFAS sources. The groundwater standards would be used as to set remediation goals for cleanup of PFAS contamination in groundwater; limit permitted releases of PFAS to groundwater;  and as the health threshold for providing alternative water supplies to the owners of contaminated wells.

The two sets of rules have moved slowly through the EMC committee process. Yesterday, the EMC’s Groundwater and Waste Management Committee debated whether to recommend that the full EMC send the entire groundwater rule package of eight PFAS standards out to public notice as the next step in rule-making. The committee declined to do that and instead voted to recommend that the EMC move forward with only three of the eight standards — those for PFOA, PFOS and GenX.  The committee recommendation would have the paradoxical result of rejecting health-based standards for the other five substances even though the new standards would actually reduce regulatory burden on business and potentially benefit private property owners who have detectable levels of  PFAS in their groundwater.

Background on N.C. groundwater standards.  First some background on how N.C. groundwater standards work. The EMC has adopted specific health-based groundwater standards for a number of contaminants. In the absence of a specific standard for a contaminant,  EMC rules provide that the groundwater standard will be the  “practical quantification limit” (PQL) for the contaminant. In lay language, the PQL means the level of the contaminant that can be detected using existing technology.

Today, PFAS detected in groundwater is regulated based on the detection limit for each substance;  the EMC has not adopted  a specific health-based groundwater standard for any PFAS.  Release of PFAS to groundwater above the detection limit without a permit is a violation of the groundwater rules and the detection limit serves as the goal for remediation of PFAS- contaminated groundwater.  The rules proposed by DEQ would establish health-based groundwater standards for the eight PFAS substances listed above. If adopted by the EMC, those health-based standards would replace use of the detection limit as the enforceable groundwater standard for purposes of remediation, permitting, and public health response.

Comparison of the proposed health-based standards to detection limits. DEQ  has calculated numerical health-based standards for each of the eight PFAS substances based on toxicity and/or increased cancer risk associated with ingesting the substance in drinking water. For two of the substances  — PFOS and PFOA — DEQ proposed a health-based standard that is  lower than the current detection limit. As a result, the detection limit for PFOS and PFOA would continue to be the enforceable groundwater standard since it isn’t  possible to enforce a standard below detectable levels. (The  health-based standards for PFOS and PFOA  could  become enforceable in the future if  technology advances to detect lower levels of those substances.)

For the other six PFAS substances, the proposed health-based standard would be higher than the detection limit for each substance — in some instances, significantly higher.   Adoption of those standards would  protect public health,  but  actually result in a less stringent regulatory standard than using the detection limit.  That would  benefit  a business  required to remediate contamination by one of those PFAS substances  in groundwater because the ultimate groundwater cleanup goal would be relaxed by comparison to a goal based on the detection limit.

Using the  proposed health-based standard for those substances could also benefit the owners of private wells with  PFAS levels above the detection limit but below the proposed health-based standard. Those well owners would be reassured that the level of  PFAS in their well does not pose a health risk that requires an alternative water supply.  It would also  remove a cloud over their property that could affect its value since PFAS in the groundwater would no longer exceed the  state regulatory standard.

Committee action. The majority in committee today voted to recommend that the full EMC move forward with health-based standards only for PFOS, PFOA and GenX. It was difficult to discern from the discussion any clear rationale for the recommendation to abandon adoption of health-based standards for the other five PFAS when those standards would have provided greater clarity on health risk; reduced the regulatory burden on business; and protected  property values.

Next steps.  The committee asked DEQ to provide a revised fiscal analysis of the rule package based on adoption of standards for just three of the eight PFAS. The full EMC could then vote (possibly in September) on whether to send the groundwater rule-making package out to public notice. The EMC can accept the committee recommendation or decide to go out to notice  with the larger package of groundwater standards proposed by DEQ. The EMC would make a final decision on adoption of some or all of the proposed groundwater standards after considering comments received in response to the public notice.

N.C. Water Quality Legislation (2023)

December 14, 2023. Having regained a veto-proof majority in the state legislature, the N.C. General Assembly returned to a very aggressive effort to influence environmental rules in 2023. The annual Appropriations Act (House Bill 259), the N.C. Farm Act of 2023 (Senate Bill 582) and the Regulatory Reform Act of 2023  (House Bill 600) all contained provisions weakening existing environmental protections and in some cases preventing adoption of new standards. This post covers the  most significant legislation affecting state water quality protections:


Replace the existing NPDES General Permit for aquaculture operations. The Clean Water Act requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for any release of waste to surface waters.  North Carolina has developed a number of  NPDES “general permits” to cover wastewater discharges from facilities engaged in similar activities and producing wastewater with similar characteristics. NPDES General Permit  NCG530000 covers wastewater from seafood packing and rinsing; aquaculture operations; and other activities producing similar wastewater. A facility can be covered under the general permit by meeting conditions in that permit; otherwise, the facility can apply for an individual NPDES permit tailored to the operation. 

Section 14 of Senate Bill 582 directs DEQ and the EMC to replace the current general permit (in effect since December 1, 2021) with the previous version of NCG530000. Reverting to the earlier permit will eliminate water quality monitoring requirements for nitrogen and phosphorus that were added to the permit in 2021.  Aside from the environmental implications of eliminating water quality monitoring for nutrients released from aquaculture operations, the provision raises another legal question and policy question: Does the provision violate the N.C. Constitution by allowing the legislature to intervene directly in the issuance of environmental permits?

Under the N.C. Constitution, the legislature adopts the laws under which state agencies operate, but responsibility for implementing those laws rests with executive branch agencies like DEQ.  The issuance of an NPDES permit (whether a general permit or an individual permit) is clearly within the authority and responsibility of the executive branch.  A legislative directive to modify or replace a specific permit appears to cross a significant constitutional line.   Aside from the constitutional  issue, legislative intervention in a permitting action sets a precedent for direct political intervention in permit decisions.  


Groundwater compliance boundaries for animal operations.  A little background — North Carolina’s groundwater protection program requires a state permit for the release of  pollutants to groundwater. Permitted waste disposal facilities (such as landfills)  have a groundwater  “compliance boundary” that (for most facilities)  extends 250 feet from the waste disposal area. Inside the compliance boundary,  pollutants in groundwater may exceed groundwater quality standards; beyond the compliance boundary, groundwater must meet all standards. Permits require regular groundwater monitoring inside and outside the compliance boundary to ensure groundwater standards are met.

There have long been concerns that animal waste systems such as swine waste lagoons and spray fields may result in groundwater contamination. But unlike other types of waste disposal facilities,  animal waste systems have not been required to routinely monitor for groundwater impacts.  State permits for animal operations have only required groundwater monitoring under very narrow circumstances.

This session, the legislature amended the animal waste system permitting law, G.S. 143-215.10C,  to  require a groundwater compliance boundary at animal operations:

“[animal operations] shall have a compliance boundary as may be established by rule or   permit for various categories of animal waste management systems and beyond which       groundwater quality standards may not be exceeded.”

The provision also directs the Environmental Management Commission  (EMC) to require investigation and corrective action (such as remediation)  if a facility violates groundwater standards beyond the compliance boundary. (See: House Bill 600, Sec.15). The provision may lead to an interesting rule-making process,  since implementation of a compliance boundary and corrective action require groundwater monitoring and animal operations have strongly resisted monitoring in the past.


Health Risk Assessment and Technology Review. The legislature directed DEQ to do a human health risk assessment of 1,4 dioxane in drinking water based on peer-reviewed studies and report back to the legislature by May 1, 2024. The purpose of the state study is unclear.  In 2020, EPA finalized a human health risk assessment for 1,4 dioxane that concluded  1,4 dioxane has  adverse effects on humans and is a likely human carcinogen.  That risk assessment focused largely on worker exposure, although it also considered public exposure to 1,4 dioxane in consumer products and surface water. In July 2023,  U.S. EPA released a Draft Revised Risk Determination for 1,4 dioxane for public comment. The  revised risk determination  evaluates risk associated with additional pathways for exposure, including  exposure to 1,4 dioxane in drinking water. The revised draft risk assessment finds that 1,4 dioxane in drinking water presents an unreasonable risk to human health.

The state study provision also directs the N.C. Collaboratory at UNC-CH to evaluate technologies commercially available to remove 1,4 dioxane from wastewater effluent at different flow volumes and report its findings on the technical and economic feasibility;  limitations of each treatment technology; and a cost benefit analysis to the legislature by May 1, 2024. (See: House Bill 600, Sec. 9)

STORMWATER.  Continuing a ten-year pattern, the legislature amended  state stormwater law to further limit state and local government stormwater control requirements. Most of the stormwater amendments appear in the 2023 Regulatory Reform Act (House Bill 600):

Treatment of stormwater from impervious areas added as part of a redevelopment project.  G.S. 143-214.7(b3)  already prevented stormwater permitting agencies from requiring new stormwater controls for existing developed areas included in a redevelopment project. But the law expressly allowed permitting agencies to require treatment for stormwater from impervious surface added during redevelopment. That authority remains in the law, but the 2023 amendment  inserts new language allowing the developer to  “elect” to provide stormwater treatment for new impervious area  — seeming to create a conflict within the law. As a result, It isn’t clear whether treatment of stormwater from new impervious area can still be required or is entirely optional. (See: House Bill 600, Sec. 2)

Prohibit stormwater permit conditions related to adjacent property.  Under a new subpart added to  G.S. 143-214.7,  DEQ  cannot require a new permit applicant to take any action with respect to an “unaffiliated adjacent property” or condition issuance of a new permit on action to be taken by an existing permit holder with respect to an unaffiliated adjacent property.  It isn’t clear what real world situation the new provision addresses since the state stormwater program has never required a developer to install stormwater controls on adjacent property. The provision may be intended to prevent DEQ from requiring a new development project to adequately treat stormwater entering the development site from another property, but more background will be needed to understand the provision’s impact. (See: House Bill 600, Sec. 2)

Exempt private streets from post-construction stormwater requirements. The provision directs the  EMC to exclude linear transportation projects that are: 1.  part of a common plan of development;  and 2. not constructed by DOT or a municipality from the calculation of built-on area for purposes of stormwater management. As a practical matter, that means private subdivision streets would not be included in calculation of stormwater runoff from the development and as a result the stormwater system would not be sized or designed to manage the stormwater from those surfaces. (See: House Bill 600, Sec. 4).

Exempt airport construction borrow sites and staging areas from Neuse buffer certification requirements. State stormwater standards already provided special consideration for  airport facilities particularly with respect to mandatory stream buffers. The new provision redefines “airport facilities” to include borrow sites and staging areas for airport-related construction . Under the provision, construction of borrow sites and staging areas within a stream buffer will not require prior approval normally granted through issuance of a certification for the activity under 15A NCAC 2B.0611(b). The provision requires mitigation of the buffer impacts consistent with the Neuse buffer rules, but it is not clear how buffer impacts will be measured and mitigation calculated in the absence of DEQ certification.  (House Bill 600, Sec. 21).

Timelines for review of state stormwater permits. Amends G.S. 143-214.7 to add timelines for DEQ review of stormwater permit applications. DEQ staff must do a completeness review within 10 days of receiving the application. If the application is complete, a 70-day technical review period begins. The provision also sets out specific requirements and timelines for DEQ to request additional information once the technical review begins. The provision directs that permits should be issued for a term not to exceed 8 years. (See: House Bill 259, Sec. 12.12.)


 Water supply watershed redevelopment.  Amends G.S. 143-214.5(d3) to allow redevelopment of nonresidential properties to exceed water supply watershed density limits without providing stormwater treatment for any increased density (as compared to the previous land use). As amended, the law would allow redevelopment at increased density without stormwater treatment based on either the preexisting density or the increase in density. (See: House Bill 600, Sec. 1)

Density exception for two local government jurisdictions. The legislature created a new exception for Iredell County and the Town of Mooresville that would allow up to 20% (instead of 10%) of the water supply watershed outside WS I and the critical areas of WS II, III and IV to be developed at up to 70% impervious area. Creation of an exception to an environmental rule for two named local governments may be inconsistent with a provision in the N.C. Constitution prohibiting “local acts” related to public health.  In any case, the provision creates a special advantage for two named local governments that was not based on any evaluation of the impact on drinking water quality. (See: House Bill 600, Sec. 5)


Discharge of domestic wastewater to low and no flow streams. Amends G.S. 143-215.1 to add a  new subsection (c8) allowing discharge of domestic wastewater to low or no flow streams. “Domestic wastewater” generally refers to wastewater from plumbing fixtures in residences and other buildings; it includes human waste and wastewater from kitchens, baths and  laundry facilities. “Domestic wastewater” does not include wastewater from industrial processes.  G.S. 143-215.1 (c8)  will allow discharge of domestic wastewater that meets specific water quality standards set out in that subpart of the law. Those standards  are very tight with respect to conventional pollutants (such as fecal bacteria and nitrates), but the law does not address all potential pollutants.  For example, there are no standards for toxic pollutants and the law prohibits state permit writers from imposing additional conditions to address pollutants not addressed in the provision.  (See: House Bill 259,  Sec. 12.9)


Issuance of water quality certifications for dredging and energy projects. Under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, an applicant for a federal permit must provide a certification from the state that the permitted project will be consistent with state water quality standards. The provision puts new restrictions on state issuance of Section 401 Water Quality Certifications for state-funded maintenance dredging projects  and projects involving distribution or transmission of energy or fuel (including natural gas, diesel, petroleum, or electricity):

  • DEQ must determine completeness of the Section 401 application within 30 days.
  • A decision to issue or deny the certification must be made within 60 days if no public    hearing is required or within 90 days if there is a hearing.
  • Conditions on the Section 401 certification are limited to those necessary to ensure that proposed discharges of pollutants will comply with state water quality requirements


Narrative water quality standard.  Some background — State water quality rules set specific numerical water quality standards for many pollutants. But since new pollutants of concern emerge over time, the rules also include  a “narrative standard” for toxic pollutants that do not yet have a numerical standard in rules. The “narrative standard” provides specific technical guidance to permitting staff on how to calculate a numerical standard for the pollutant.  Most recently, DEQ has used the narrative standard rule, 15A NCAC 2B.0218,  to calculate a water quality standard for 1,4 dioxane which (as noted above) is a likely human carcinogen. The numerical value derived from the rule then becomes the reference point for limiting discharges of the pollutant to surface waters. The narrative standard provides a predictable, scientifically based method for setting a water quality standard for an emerging pollutant until a numerical standard can be incorporated into the rules — a process that can take several years.

A provision in the Regulatory Reform Act of 2023 requires the EMC to study  narrative water quality standards and report to the legislature by June 1, 2024. The study will include review of the methods for setting a water quality standard under the rule; narrative standards adopted by other states;  and U.S. EPA requirements for adoption of narrative standards. The EMC is to report its findings, including any recommendations for legislative action, to the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations. (House Bill 600, Sec. 8). The study likely responds to legal action by several local governments challenging use and enforcement of the narrative standard to limit discharges of 1,4 dioxane.


Restriction on dredging moratoria. The legislature amended G.S. 113-229 (the State Dredge and Fill Act) to add a new subsection limiting the ability of state agencies to suspend authorization for dredging in state waters to protect aquatic resources. Dredging moratoria are often seasonal, corresponding to fish spawning activity.  The new provision limits dredging moratoria unless the restriction on dredging activity is required under the Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, or other applicable federal law. (House Bill 600, Sec. 10.5)

DEQ’s  Division of Coastal Management issues the permits required under the State Dredge and Fill Act, but the permits also involve review by other environmental and natural resource agencies  including the state water quality program. Most dredging moratoria enforced in N.C. have been adopted under state law authority to protect fisheries habitat and particularly primary nursery areas. It is not clear whether all of the existing  state moratoria on dredging are required by federal laws and rules.

This is another instance of the General Assembly deciding that North Carolina has no need or interest in protecting state natural resources apart from meeting requirements of federal law.


Limit state water quality protection of wetlands. A provision in Senate Bill 582 directs the EMC to define “wetlands” for purposes of state water quality regulations to include only wetlands within the federal permitting jurisdiction of U.S. EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under the Clean Water Act. The effect of the provision is to limit all state water quality protections to wetlands with a surface connection to rivers, lakes and streams that are “waters of the U.S.”  The definition change affects state rules that set water quality standards limiting discharge of pollutants to wetlands as well as rules permitting placement of fill material in wetlands.

Limiting state wetlands protection to wetlands in federal Clean Water Act jurisdiction will exclude wetlands that have a groundwater rather than surface connection to  water bodies. It may also exclude wetlands separated from surface waters by a manmade structure and those with a seasonal rather than consistent surface connections. The full extent of the impact on state wetlands will depend on interpretation of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in Sackett v. U.S. EPA which significantly restricted federal wetlands jurisdiction. The N.C. Attorney General’s Office has advised the EMC and DEQ that the new state law provision has the effect of voiding state legislation enacted in 2015 that authorized state permitting requirements for basin wetlands and bogs. (See: Senate Bill 582, Sec. 15). Much more detail on the state wetlands provision can be found in earlier posts here and here.

Wetlands Protection Update

October 30, 2023.  An earlier post described the interaction of new state limits on wetlands protection and a U.S. Supreme Court decision reducing federal Clean Water Act (CWA) jurisdiction over streams and wetlands. (See State Law: Removing Wetlands from “Waters of the State”.) This post provides an update on federal implementation of the Sackett decision and new information on the impact of the wetlands provision in the N.C. Farm Act (Senate Bill 582/ Session Law 2023-63).

Federal Implementation of the decision in Sackett v. EPA. In  Sackett v. EPA, a plurality of four justices issued an opinion striking down rules adopted jointly by the U.S. EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers defining Clean Water Act jurisdiction over streams and wetlands. (The other five justices split between several dissenting opinions.)

In Sackett, the court held that “waters of the United States” — which defines the extent of Clean Water Act regulations —  only applies to surface waters useful for interstate commerce (my  shorthand description of the categories of waters listed more specifically below) and tributaries to those waters that are “relatively permanent, standing, or continuously flowing”. To be consistent with the Sackett decision, EPA has amended the CWA jurisdiction rule to limit federal jurisdiction over tributaries and wetlandsThe Sackett standard appears to eliminate federal jurisdiction over ephemeral streams that flow only in response to precipitation.  Jurisdiction over  intermittent streams and other seasonal water bodies will likely require field interpretation of the Sackett criteria. Stay tuned for future litigation over those determinations. The restriction on CWA jurisdiction over tributaries has significant water quality implications.  Nationally, an estimated 59% of streams  would be classified as intermittent or ephemeral. The percentage is much higher (89%) in arid western states.  Most of those streams ultimately flow into permanent water bodies.

In Sackett, the U.S. Supreme Court  also interpreted the Clean Water Act  to apply only to wetlands that have a continuous surface connection to water bodies otherwise in federal jurisdiction. Under the decision,  wetlands must be physically  “indistinguishable” from those waters to be covered by federal CWA jurisdiction. (Slip opinion, Sackett v. EPA,  p. 27.)  The new federal rule makes several changes in response to this restriction on federal wetlands jurisdiction:

1. The “significant nexus” standard, which had extended federal jurisdiction to wetlands with a significant water quality relationship to jurisdictional waters  (such as a groundwater connection), has been removed from the rule.  

2. Wetlands located near jurisdictional surface waters, but physically separated by a manmade structure (such as a berm), will no longer be considered jurisdictional based on being “adjacent” to waters of the United States. 

3.  The reference to  ‘‘interstate wetlands’’ as a stand-alone category of jurisdictional wetlands has been removed.

Under the new federal jurisdiction rule  that went into effect on September 12, 2023, the Clean Water Act will apply only to:

      ♦  Waters used or capable of being  used in interstate or foreign commerce

      ♦  Tidal waters

      ♦ The territorial seas

      ♦ Interstate waters

      ♦ Impoundments of waters that are otherwise defined as waters of the United States (such as a reservoir created by damming a flowing river)

      ♦ Tributaries of the waters listed above as long as the tributaries are “relatively permanent, standing or continuously flowing”

      ♦ Wetlands that have a continuous surface connection to  waters that fall into one of the categories above. 

Filling jurisdictional waters or wetlands requires a federal permit under Section 404 of the CWA and  most litigation over the definition of “waters of the United States” has been driven by property owners/developers seeking to fill wetlands for construction.   But “waters of the United States” also  defines the scope of Clean Water Act restrictions on water pollution. It is not entirely clear how the loss of jurisdiction over wetlands and non-permanent tributaries will affect the NPDES permitting program. There is earlier case law holding that discharge of pollutants to a non-jurisdictional stream or to groundwater with a surface water connection requires an NPDES permit if those pollutants will reach jurisdictional waters.

Scope of North Carolina Legislation Limiting Wetlands Protection.

The Sackett decision actually emphasizes language  in the Clean Water Act  that notes “the primary responsibilities and rights of States to prevent, reduce, and eliminate pollution”.  In limiting federal CWA jurisdiction, the court expressly deferred to broader state authority to protect waters and wetlands: “Regulation of land and water use lies at the core of traditional state authority”. (Slip opinion, Sackett v. EPA, p. 23). But just as the Sackett decision restricted federal water pollution authority in deference to the states, the N.C. General Assembly limited  state water quality protections for wetlands to those falling in federal Clean Water Act jurisdiction.

Senate Bill 582 became state law on June 27, 2023 over the Governor’s veto. Confusion over the intended effect of the wetlands provision led me, as Chair of the N.C. Environmental Management Commission, to ask the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to advise the EMC on implications for state water quality rules.  In consultation with the Attorney General’s Office, DEQ confirmed that Session Law 2023-63 entirely eliminates state water quality protections for wetlands that fall outside federal regulatory jurisdiction, including  basin wetlands and bogs that had previously been covered by  a 2015 state wetlands permitting law. The DEQ memorandum  also confirmed that the new law affects enforcement of state water quality standards restricting discharge of pollutants to wetlands.

Session Law 2023-63 does not affect application of state water quality standards to surface waters  such as streams.  Existing state laws requiring permits for discharge of pollutants and placement of fill material will continue to apply to streams and other surface waters  in the state independent of CWA jurisdiction. The new federal jurisdiction rule will magnify the impact of Session Law 2023-63  on state wetlands, however. As noted above,  federal jurisdiction over tributaries will shrink under the Sackett criteria. Consistent with the Sackett decision,  the conforming EPA rule also removes CWA jurisdiction over wetlands adjacent to non-jurisdictional tributaries.  Under Session Law 2023-63,   those wetlands will  also lose state water quality protections.

It is still unclear whether the General Assembly intended Senate Bill 582 to have such wide-ranging impact on state wetlands.  The Sackett decision certainly expanded the impact of  Senate Bill 582 beyond what would have been anticipated when the bill was filed. It is possible that Session Law 2023-63  will be modified as a result, but that seems unlikely to happen before adjournment of the 2023 legislative session.  Other nearby states, including Virginia, have already take steps to ensure that state waters and wetlands that now fall outside Clean Water Act jurisdiction will be protected by state water quality laws.

State Law: Removing Wetlands from “Waters of the State”

June 7, 2023 — In an unfortunate sequence of events, the U.S. Supreme Court has issued a decision significantly limiting  federal Clean Water Act regulation of wetlands  just as the N.C. General Assembly has been moving legislation to limit state water quality protection for wetlands.

First, some background. Historically, states had the primary responsibility for protecting state waters from pollution. But in 1972, Congress adopted the Clean Water Act and asserted federal jurisdiction over  “waters of the United States” to create a national water pollution control program.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) share responsibility for implementing the Clean Water Act.  Jointly adopted EPA/Corps rules define “waters of the United States” and in doing so establish the scope of  federal jurisdiction to enforce Clean Water Act permitting requirements for both the discharge of pollutants to waters and depositing fill material in waters.

Legal warfare over the “waters of the U.S.” definition has now raged for decades — in large part because of the convergence of two factors: 1. The  EPA/Corps definition of  “waters of the U.S.”  included many wetlands; and 2.  Section 404 of the Clean Water Act prohibits placing fill material in  waters of the United States without a permit from the Corps. Given the definition of “waters of the U.S.”, Section 404 became a hurdle for development of some properties.

The Sackett Decision. After decades of lawsuits and several previous federal court decisions, the U.S. Supreme Court  issued an opinion two weeks ago that greatly limits federal  Clean Water Act jurisdiction over wetlands. The Supreme Court case, Sackett v. EPA, involved a Corps of Engineers enforcement action against an Idaho couple for  filling  wetlands without a Section 404 permit. The Corps determined that wetlands on the Sackett property  — which were adjacent to a ditch that drained to a stream that flowed into a large lake — were “waters of the U.S.” that could not be filled without a permit.

The Sacketts challenged the Corps enforcement action and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the Corps jurisdictional determination. All nine justices agreed that the Sackett property fell outside the scope of “waters of the U.S.”, but the justices splintered on the legal basis for ruling in the Sacketts’ favor. A number of justices concluded that the Sackett property fell outside federal jurisdiction even under current  EPA/Corps rules defining “waters of the U.S.” But a plurality of four justices issued an opinion striking down the current EPA/Corps jurisdiction rules entirely, finding the  rules to be inconsistent with the intent of the Clean Water Act. The four justices ruled that the Clean Water Act extends:

to only  those “wet-lands with a continuous surface connection to bodies that are ‘waters of the United States’ in their own right,” so that they are “indistinguishable” from those waters.

Sackett v. EPA, 598 U.S. _____ (2023)  p. 27.

Under existing EPA/Corps rules, wetlands without a continuous surface connection to a body of water could still be “waters of the U.S.” as long as the wetland had  a significant “nexus” to surface waters — such as a hydrological connection through groundwater.  The sweeping decision by the four Supreme Court justices in Sackett means many of those wetlands will likely fall outside federal regulatory jurisdiction in the future.  Wetlands separated from surface water by an artificial barrier such as a road or berm may also fall out of federal regulatory jurisdiction.  The ruling has significant implications for North Carolina wetlands long assumed to be covered by the Clean Water Act — such as the pocosins (large freshwater swamps) in eastern North Carolina that may have only a groundwater connection to surface waters. 

Back home. Before the Supreme Court issued the Sackett decision,  the North Carolina Senate proposed legislation to limit state water quality regulation of wetlands to only those wetlands that fall under federal Clean Water Act jurisdiction.  Senate Bill 582 ( North Carolina Farm Act of 2023)  includes a provision that would prevent water quality rules  that apply to “waters of the state” from applying to wetlands that are not  “waters of the United States” regulated under the federal Clean Water Act:

SECTION 15.(c) Implementation. – Wetlands classified as waters of the State are restricted to waters of the United States as defined by 33 C.F.R. § 328.3 and 40 C.F.R. § 230.3. Wetlands do not include prior converted cropland as defined in the National Food Security Act Manual, Fifth Edition, which is hereby incorporated by reference, not including subsequent amendments and editions.

At the time Senate Bill 582 was introduced, the gap between federal wetlands jurisdiction and state wetlands jurisdiction was relatively small, but significant; the Sackett decision just made the gap much larger.

Senate Bill 582 has serious implications for  wetlands falling out of federal jurisdiction (and the waters to which they connect). For example, state law requires a permit before anyone can

Cause or permit any waste, directly or indirectly, to be discharged to or in any manner intermixed with the waters of the State in violation of the water quality standards applicable to the assigned classifications or in violation of any effluent standards or limitations established for any point source, unless allowed as a condition of any permit, special order or other appropriate instrument issued or entered into by the Commission under the provisions of this Article.

G.S. 143-215.1 (a)(6). Under the Senate bill, that requirement would not apply to wetlands that fall outside federal regulatory jurisdiction because they would no longer be considered  “waters of the state”.   The result could be that unprotected wetlands will become conduits for  water pollution to reach groundwater and surface water. Lack of any state or federal permit requirement may also  result in the  filling of  wetlands that provide flood control and filter stormwater.

The issue for North Carolina. 

The Supreme Court decision in Sackett only interpreted how  the Clean Water Act  defines the scope of  federal jurisdiction over wetlands. The court did not find that wetlands outside federal jurisdiction do not require environmental protection and in fact stressed the  role of states in protecting water quality.

The State of North Carolina — not Congress and not the U.S. Supreme Court — has the responsibility to protect North Carolina waters. In light of the Sackett decision, the state needs to decide whether and how to protect the water quality, ecological and flood control functions of wetlands that fall outside federal jurisdiction. The decision can’t be out-sourced to the federal government.

Cautionary notes. 

The Sackett decision means EPA and the Corps will have to develop new guidelines for determining federal jurisdiction consistent with the court’s ruling.  Past experience indicates that could take months; the Sackett rule will require guidance on interpretation and application to varying situations on the ground.  In the meantime, it appears the Corps of Engineers has put jurisdictional determinations under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act on hold which will likely slow some development projects.

Other federal and state laws will continue to apply to activities impacting wetlands even if Section 404 permit requirements don’t.   In the 1990s, a federal court struck down an EPA/Corps  rule requiring a Section 404 permit for any activity (such as mechanized ditching) that could result in the incidental fallback of fill material into waters or wetlands.   After the federal court  struck down the “incidental fallback” rule,  several North Carolina developers rushed to ditch and drain wetlands in the coastal area on the assumption that no Section 404 permit would be needed — only to find themselves on the wrong side of state Sedimentation Act enforcement actions.

For state policy makers, the breadth of the Sackett decision means the provision in Senate Bill 582 limiting  state water quality protections for wetlands  will have consequences that were likely not intended when the bill was introduced.

U.S. Supreme Court v. EPA Climate Rule

July 12, 2022 — On June 30, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision striking down an Obama era  rule regulating carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from existing power plants. The decision in West Virginia v. EPA held the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan Rule exceeded EPA’s  authority under the Clean Air Act.  The decision is important for what it did and what it didn’t do.

Three key takeaways from the court’s decision:

  1. The Court did not rule that EPA lacks authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants or other sources. Section 111 of the Clean Air Act authorizes EPA to address air pollution from both new and existing sources if the pollutant endangers public health or welfare. A 2007  Supreme Court decision (Massachusetts v. EPA)  held that CO2 and other greenhouse gasses meet the definition of an air pollutant under the Clean Air Act.  In 2009,  EPA made a finding that six greenhouse gasses endanger public health and welfare because of their contribution to climate change. The West Virginia v. EPA decision does not undermine either the Massachusetts v. EPA decision or EPA’s 2009 endangerment finding.
  2. The West Virginia v. EPA decision held that the method EPA chose to set CO2 emission limits for existing power plants in the Clean Power Plan Rule exceeded EPA authority under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act.
  3. In finding that EPA exceeded its authority, the Court relied on the “major questions doctrine”.  The Court indicated that clear Congressional authorization will be required when the breadth of  an agency action has such “economic and political significance” that it raises questions about Congressional intent to grant such broad power.  That part of the decision will affect future EPA actions beyond those addressing greenhouse gas emissions and  has implications for all federal agencies.

Background on the Clean Power Plan Rule and the basis for the Court’s decisions below.

The  Clean Power Plan Rule.  Under Section 111 of the Clean Air Act,  EPA has authority to regulate proposed new sources of a pollutant that “may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare”. Section 111 requires EPA to set the emission limit for the pollutant based on  the “best system  of emissions reduction” after taking into consideration cost, other health and environmental impacts and energy needs. In 2015,  EPA  proposed CO2 emission limits for new power plants based on a combination of the use of high efficiency processes and carbon capture technology.

The  West Virginia v. EPA decision did not affect EPA’s CO2 emission limit for new power plants.  But when EPA has set a standard for new sources of a pollutant, Section 111(d)  allows EPA to direct states to set performance standards for existing sources in the same category.   Given the practical difficulty and potential cost of retrofitting existing sources, Section 111(d) allows flexibility in setting  those performance standards.  EPA’s practice  has been to develop guidelines for state performance standards under Section 111(d) based on the “best system of emissions reduction”,  but taking into consideration the cost and energy impacts specific to existing sources.

EPA’s  Clean Power Plan Rule  set out guidelines for state adoption of CO2 performance standards for existing power plants. EPA based the CO2 emission limit on a combination of three CO2 reduction measures: 1.Heat rate improvements that would cause coal-powered plants to burn coal more efficiently; 2. A shift in power generation from coal to natural gas-fired plants; and 3. Additional shifting of energy generation from coal or natural gas to renewable sources such as solar and wind energy. In taking that approach, EPA acknowledged that  heat rate improvements at individual coal-fired plants would have very limited benefit, making a shift in energy generation necessary to achieve significant reductions in CO2 emissions.

EPA concluded that electric utilities could reasonably reduce reliance on coal generation from 38% of total power generation to 27% by 2030 and calculated a CO2 emission limit for existing power plants based on that assumed level of generation shifting from coal to natural gas and renewable energy.

The “Major Question”.  The U.S. Supreme Court decision in West Virginia v. EPA focused on EPA’s use of generation shifting as a basis for setting CO2 emission limits for existing power plants. The Court noted EPA’s past practice of  setting emission limits based on pollution reduction technologies or operating conditions that could be implemented at an individual plant. The Court held that EPA’s novel approach to setting a CO2  emission limit and the potential economic impact on  the entire power generation system required specific Congressional authority:

Precedent teaches that there are “extraordinary cases” in which the “history and the breadth of the authority that [the agency] has asserted,” and the “economic and political significance” of that assertion, provide a “reason to hesitate before concluding that Congress” meant to confer such authority. [Citations omitted.] Under this body of law, known as the major questions doctrine… the agency must point to “clear congressional authorization” for the authority it claims.

Given the absence of express Congressional authority to use generation shifting to limit CO2 emissions, the Court held EPA had exceeded its authority in adopting the Clean Power Plan Rule.

The Court admits that the major questions doctrine overrides normal rules of statutory interpretation. In other words, the Court can use the doctrine to find no authority for an agency regulation even if the normal rules of statutory interpretation may support the agency action.  In West Virginia v. EPA, the Court leaned heavily on the novelty of using generation shifting to reduce pollution and projections that forcing a shift from coal to natural gas and renewable sources could raise energy costs. The Court didn’t exactly find that Congress failed to authorize generation shifting as a system of pollution reduction. Instead, the Court  talks about “doubting”  or being “skeptical” that Congress intended to authorize EPA to require generation shifting given the possible cost and impact on the power system.

The Dissent. The three dissenting justices, in an opinion written by Justice Kagan, noted that Section 111 directs EPA to select a system of pollution reduction rather than a pollution control technology. The dissenters noted that EPA has used cap and trade programs  — which allow an individual facility to purchase pollution reduction credits from another source  instead of implementing control technology — as part of a system for reducing emission of other pollutants.

The dissenting justices argued that Section 111(d) gave EPA  authority to include a shift in power generation as part of a system of reducing CO2 emissions from power plants. The dissent also questioned the majority’s leap to a new and broad application of the  “major questions” doctrine instead of applying the normal rules of statutory construction.

Questions about the Major Questions Doctrine.   The decision in West Virginia v. EPA  states (and uses) the  “major questions” doctrine more broadly than previous cases. The breadth could be problematic  given the lack of guidance in the decision on how to apply what appears to be a very subjective standard.  Based almost entirely on the fact that the generation-shifting in the Clean Power Plan Rule represented a new  approach to pollution reduction, the Court

[doubted]  that “Congress  . . . intended to delegate . . . decision[s] of such economic and political significance,” i.e., how much coal-based generation there should be over the coming decades, to any administrative agency.

The “economic and political significance” of an agency’s exercise of authority could be very much in the eye of the beholder. In 1964, Justice Potter Stewart attempted to explain how the Supreme Court distinguished Constitutionally protected free speech from unlawful obscenity by saying “I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced [by the terms pornography or obscenity]…[b]ut I know it when I see it…” The major questions doctrine may be similar.  The West Virginia v. EPA decision doesn’t indicate what criteria for economic and political significance the Court will use to decide whether the doctrine applies.  Apparently, the Court will know economic and political significance when it sees it.

Effect on State Greenhouse Gas Policies. The West Virginia v. EPA decision doesn’t have any effect on state authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. State environmental agencies operate under authority granted by state law rather than federal law. The Clean Power Plan Rule never went into effect as a result of  lawsuits challenging the rule and the Trump administration’s later effort to repeal it. So at present no federal rule compels the state to act, but  nothing prevents the state from acting on its own.

Update: The title of this post has changed.

DEQ Nominee Disapproved by Senate Committee — What Now?

June 2, 2021 — After a month long delay,  the Senate Agriculture, Energy and Environment Committee voted along party  lines today to disapprove Governor Cooper’s nominee to be Secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality.  The committee held a hearing on the nomination of Dionne Delli-Gatti a month ago, but took no action on the nomination. Today,  the committee voted to disapprove the nomination on a motion by Sen. Paul Newton. Sen. Newton, a former president of Duke Energy’s North Carolina operations,  expressed dissatisfaction with Delli-Gatti’s earlier responses to questions about Cooper administration policies on matters of particular interest to Duke Energy. Sen. Newton described as “disqualifying”  Delli-Gatti’s failure to articulate Cooper’s policy on expansion of natural gas in the state and lack of familiarity with the proposed Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline project. The committee chair denied requests by Democratic committee members to give Ms. Delli-Gatti an opportunity to respond to Sen. Newton’s criticism and answer additional committee questions.

The General Assembly  amended state law to require Senate confirmation for appointed department heads in 2016 after Cooper defeated incumbent Republican Pat McCrory in the governor’s race. (See: Section 38 of Session Law 2016-126 amending N.C. General Statute §143B-9.)  After taking office, Governor Cooper filed a lawsuit to challenge the confirmation requirement as an unconstitutional interference with the exercise of the Governor’s executive powers.   In a  December 21, 2018 opinion, the N.C. Supreme Court  held  that the confirmation requirement did not violate the N.C. Constitution’s guarantee of separation of powers between the Governor as chief executive and the legislature. Cooper v. Berger, 371 NC. 799 (2018).

What now?  The committee vote serves as a recommendation to the full Senate; it does not end the  confirmation process.  But Republican opposition to Delli-Gatti’s nomination appears to be set. Senate President pro tem Phil Berger called on Governor Cooper to withdraw the nomination prior to an anticipated vote on the Senate floor tomorrow.

As amended in 2016, G.S. 143B-9 indicates that a department head cannot continue to serve once the Senate has adopted a disapproval resolution.  The law specifically says that  a department head who is appointed when the legislature is not in session may only serve in the position until either the legislature has voted to disapprove the appointment or has adjourned the next session of the General Assembly for at least 30 days without approving the nomination.  That language seems to foreclose the possibility of a defeated nominee continuing to serve as acting department head until the Senate confirms a new appointee — although the courts have never been called on to interpret the law.

If the Senate follows through on the disapproval resolution  (or Governor Cooper withdraws the nomination), this will be the first instance of the legislature failing to confirm a governor’s appointee.

UNC Nutrient Study: It’s Deja Vu All Over Again (Apologies to Yogi Berra)

January 6, 2020. On December 23, 2019, the UNC Policy Collaboratory released a legislatively mandated report on nutrient pollution in Jordan Lake.  The short version: A three year, multi-million dollar study has confirmed the science and policy underlying the 2009 Jordan Lake water quality rules.

Background.  In 2002, the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission (EMC) designated Jordan Lake as having impaired water quality due to excess nutrients  (nitrogen and phosphorus) contributing to algal blooms in the lake. The EMC and  water quality staff  in the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) spent seven years developing a nutrient management strategy to address water quality standard violations in Jordan Lake as required by the federal Clean Water Act and by state water quality  laws.   In 2009, the EMC adopted rules to implement the final nutrient management strategy.  Following guidelines in state law, the rules required all major nutrient sources — wastewater treatment plants, agricultural operations,  runoff from new development activity and previously developed areas  — to take steps to reduce nutrient releases to the lake.  The 2009 nutrient management strategy set goals for nitrogen and phosphorus reduction to be met by a combination of wastewater treatment plant upgrades, agricultural best management practices and stormwater controls including riparian buffers along rivers and streams.

Later in 2009,  the legislature adopted the first of.a series of acts revising or delaying implementation of the Jordan Lake nutrient rules in response to complaints from  local governments and  real estate development interests.  Communities in the Haw River watershed, including Burlington and Greensboro,  voiced particularly strong objections to the rules. In 2013,  legislators directed the water quality program to test an unproven in-lake technology to reduce algal growth as a possible substitute for nutrient reduction rules and appropriated $1.35 million to support the pilot project. (See an earlier post about the “Solar Bee” pilot project.)   In 2016, the legislature created the N.C. Policy Collaboratory at UNC-CH  and appropriated $500,000 a year for three years for the Collaboratory to study  and make recommendations concerning Jordan Lake water quality.  In the meantime,  the legislature appropriated $1.3 million in 2017 for another DEQ pilot project to test algaecides and phosphorus-locking technologies to control algal growth. Both  the Solar Bee and algaecide pilot projects failed. The nutrient management rules have continued to be suspended for completion of the UNC study. 

UNC Findings. The overall conclusions of the UNC report support the findings underlying the EMC’s 2009 nutrient management strategy:

♦ An effective nutrient reduction strategy requires measures to reduce both nitrogen and phosphorus releases to the lake.

♦ The sources of nutrient loading to Jordan Lake are nearly evenly divided between point sources (wastewater treatment plant discharges) and non-point sources (runoff from developed areas and agricultural operations). Non-point sources are a slightly greater contributor to nutrient loading.

♦ The Haw River contributes the greatest nutrient load to Jordan Lake, but other factors affecting movement and concentration of nutrients cause sources in the Upper New Hope arm of the lake to have a disproportionate impact on lake water quality. The 2009 EMC rules reflected a similar conclusion and required sources in the  Upper New Hope Arm of Jordan Lake to achieve greater nutrient reductions than sources in the Haw River watershed — a 35% nitrogen reduction versus an 8% reduction by Haw River communities.

♦  Runoff from developed land contains 10 times the concentration of nutrients than undeveloped lands; areas developed before 1980 generate significantly higher nutrient concentrations than those developed later.

♦ Wastewater treatment plant upgrades provide the most cost effective nutrient reduction  (in terms of pounds of nutrients removed per dollar invested). Riparian buffers and conservation of undeveloped lands are among the most cost-effective methods of reducing non-point source nutrient loading.

New lake and watershed models developed as part of the UNC study built on earlier models used by the EMC to develop the 2009 rules. The new modeling provides additional insight into the contribution of wastewater infrastructure to nutrient loading in response to storm events.

The UNC  report also concludes that measures to reduce new nutrient releases to Jordan Lake will show the greatest benefit over the long term because lake sediments have stored nutrients over time and release those nutrients back to the water column.

 UNC Study Recommendations.   First, the gaps. The recommendations don’t directly  address specific requirements of the  2009 Jordan Lake rules although most of the study’s findings support the scientific foundation and basic structure of the rules.  The UNC study reinforces the need to  reduce  both wastewater discharges of nitrogen and phosphorus and non-point source runoff  of nutrients to Jordan Lake. The study documents that non-point sources (runoff from developed areas and agriculture) account for more than 50% of the nutrient loading to Jordan Lake; developed areas contribute much more to nutrient loading than undeveloped areas;  and maintenance of vegetated buffers between developed areas and streams is one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce nutrient loading from non-point sources.

The lead recommendation in the UNC report is largely political; it focuses on how to  fund nutrient reduction strategies.  The legislature directed UNC to look at funding mechanisms in response to the objections of upstream communities in the Jordan Lake watershed  — particularly in the Haw River arm of the lake — to the cost of nutrient reduction measures  benefitting downstream communities. In response, the report identifies a water allocation fee  on local governments that receive drinking water from Jordan Lake as a possible funding mechanism.

Imposing a fee on downstream communities experiencing pollution of their drinking water supply by upstream pollutant sources would likely be controversial. It would also represent a significant policy change. Most state water quality programs impose  pollution reduction costs primarily on  the pollution source.  A number of existing state nutrient reduction programs in other river basins have followed that model. Communities in the Neuse River basin (including Raleigh) have implemented nutrient reduction programs similar to those required in the Jordan Lake rules for more than 20 years.  Those communities have absorbed the costs of pollution reductions to reduce nutrient-enrichment problems downstream in the coastal Neuse River estuaries.

Among the other UNC recommendations:

♦ Build local government support for nutrient management measures by emphasizing the local as well as downstream benefits.

♦ Review the existing state water quality standard for nutrient over-enrichment. DEQ has already asked a science advisory panel to review the current standard which is based on chlorophyl a concentrations. The UNC report recommends continuing the review and considering whether additional water quality parameters should be considered and applied depending on the uses of different sections of Jordan Lake.

♦ Consider relocation of sewer infrastructure to reduce the risk of leaks to streams and implement programs to address failing septic systems. (The 2009  Jordan Lake rules allowed local governments to include programs to address failing septic systems as one tool to meet nutrient reduction targets.)

♦ The recommendations highlight the value of land conservation as a tool for reducing nutrient loading. The recommendations do not mention the study conclusion that riparian buffers represent one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce non-point source nutrient loading.

♦ The report concludes that the relatively small amount of agricultural production  in the Jordan Lake watershed makes the Jordan Lake agricultural trading program ineffective.

The Takeaway.  Ten years and several million dollars later, the UNC report on Jordan Lake supports the decision by the EMC and the Department of Environmental Quality to develop a nutrient management strategy based on reduction targets for all of the major nutrient sources in the watershed — wastewater dischargers, development activity and agriculture. The report also confirms a number of the key scientific principles behind the rules — including  imposition of greater reduction targets on sources in the Upper New Hope arm of Jordan Lake and requiring reductions from both point and non-point sources.

The new lake and watershed models developed under the UNC study  build on those used to develop the 2009 Jordan Lake rules and provide additional  insights on the contributions of sewer infrastructure and septic systems. The study raises questions about the efficacy of the existing agricultural trading program.

Compared to the underlying studies, the executive summary has a decidedly political tilt — emphasizing the potential to reduce costs on upstream pollution sources by assessing a fee on downstream water users and downplaying legislatively unpopular — but cost effective — use of riparian buffers.

Editorial Comment.  The EMC and water quality program staff worked for  seven years to develop a fair and effective nutrient reduction program for Jordan Lake based on science and mediated by input from all of the affected parties. Rule development included several rounds of consultation with those potentially affected by the rules — local governments, developers, farmers, water users.   The UNC report supports the science behind the EMC nutrient strategy and  implicitly emphasizes the importance of implementing the strategy as soon as possible since the benefits  will only be realized over time.

The state has already lost nearly 10 years. The Jordan Lake nutrient strategy can — and should — be regularly reviewed and adapted based on new information. The UNC study suggests some areas for ongoing work. Nothing in the UNC study supports further delay.

One stakeholder is quoted in the report as saying:

It’s important not to look at the experience of Jordan and say, “oh, what this shows is that we can’t approach things with the Clean Water Act lens, we can’t approach things through rules, a nutrient management strategy lens.” That isn’t broken. What’s broken is the political system in the state.

2019 Legislation: Environmental and Energy Laws

December 27, 2019. A  short list of environmental and energy law changes compared to recent years:

Fisheries.   As interest in  shellfish aquaculture has increased, so have concerns about the impact of the rapidly evolving aquaculture industry on water recreation and navigation.  Senate Bill 648   creates a new framework for management of aquaculture operations by allowing the Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) to designate  “shellfish aquaculture enterprise areas” where water bottom and water column leases can be issued for shellfish aquaculture. Similar to water use zoning, the concept gives DMF the ability to direct shellfish operations toward areas already approved for the purpose instead of  simply responding to a lease application for any location of the applicant’s choosing.

The bill has some weaknesses. It doesn’t provide guidance on siting shellfish aquaculture enterprise areas.  The bill requires notice and a public hearing prior to designation of an aquaculture enterprise area, but relies on the limited notice requirements in existing statutes authorizing individual bottom and water column leases. Those existing public notice provisions in G.S. 113-202 (bottom leases)  and G.S. 113-202.1 (water column leases) only require notice by newspaper publication.  The statutes do not require direct notice to either the local government or to  owners of property along the affected shoreline.

Senate Bill 648 also creates a pilot project for shellfish aquaculture leasing in Pamlico Sound while imposing  moratoria on approval of new open-water shellfish aquaculture leases in  New Hanover County and Bogue Sound. At the same time, the bill makes it possible for DMF to approve operations to grow seed oysters and clams in marinas (which under existing shellfish rules have been closed to any type of shellfish propagation), which may relieve some pressure for new open water aquaculture leases.

Water Quality.  House Bill 812  (Nutrient Offset Amendments) provides more flexibility in projects to mitigate nutrient loading from wastewater dischargers. The amendments allow nutrient offsets for  permitted NPDES discharges to be provided EITHER  in the same hydrologic area (the current requirement) OR  at a location downstream of the discharge, but upstream of the water body subject to regulations to address excess nutrient loading. For stormwater and other nutrient sources, the law continues to require nutrient offsets in the same hydrologic area.

Section 3 of House Bill 206  (Various Transportation Changes)  requires the EMC to exempt a broader range of airport-associated development from the Neuse River riparian buffer rules. The Neuse buffer rules require vegetated buffers along streams in the Neuse River basin as a tool for reducing nutrient runoff  and excess nutrient loading to downstream estuaries. Since airport facilities also have to meet Federal Aviation Administration siting criteria,  current EMC rules exempt certain aviation-related facilities from buffer requirements and allow others to impact the buffer with mitigation.

Under the existing EMC rule,   “airport facilities” allowed to impact the buffer include structures directly related to aviation operations such as runways, terminals, maintenance buildings, administrative buildings, onsite airport parking, navigation markers,  and beacons.  The EMC rules do not exempt satellite facilities such as off-site parking or hotels, rental car facilities and other commercial development. H 206 directs the EMC to revise and broaden the definition of  “airport facility” in the rules to allow the riparian buffer exemption to apply to development of those airport-associated commercial facilities.

On-Site Wastewater.  Regulations on siting and design of on-site wastewater systems (such as septic systems) have both a public health and environmental protection purpose. The rules exist to prevent direct exposure to untreated wastewater and contamination of groundwater and nearby rivers, streams and lakes.  House Bill 268 (Amend On-Site Wastewater Laws) is a somewhat mis-titled bill that actually disapproves more than 40 rules concerning on-site wastewater systems  and reclaimed water systems amended by the Commission for Public Health in 2018. The bill may be one of the broadest exercises of the legislature’s power to disapprove agency rules since the legislature claimed that  authority under the State’s Administrative Procedure Act.

Legislative disapproval means the amended rules cannot go into effect;  prior versions of the rules remain in place in the meantime. The bill creates a task force to report back to the legislature in February 2020 on rules to replace those amended in 2018.  One purpose of the  task force (as set out in the bill ) is to make recommendations “to prevent the implementation of rules and ordinances and enforcement against the use of on-site wastewater treatment and dispersal systems in non-sewered areas of the State”.  

The disapproval bill responded to concerns from homebuilders and realtors that the amended rules will make it more difficult to develop some areas using onsite wastewater systems. In part, the controversy seems to be a continuation of past conflicts over how easy (or hard) it should be to approve innovative onsite wastewater systems for use in areas that are not appropriate for a conventional septic tank system. 

Renewable Energy.  House Bill 329 (Renewable Energy Amendments) makes several relatively minor changes to energy laws.  Section 1 of the bill exempts electric vehicle charging stations from the definition of “public utility” as long as the owner simply resells electricity supplied by a regulated public utility. Otherwise, sale of  electricity by a charging station could lead to  regulation of the facilities by the N.C. Utilities Commission under laws applied to Duke Energy and other electricity providers.

Section 2 requires the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) to establish a new regulatory program “to govern (i) the management of end-of-life photovoltaic modules and energy storage system batteries and (ii) decommissioning of utility-scale solar projects and wind energy facilities” by January 1, 2022.  The bill lists a number of issues for the EMC to consider in developing rules, including whether system components have the characteristics of hazardous waste and preferred methods of end of life management (i.e., reuse, recycling, or disposal as solid waste).

Section 3  amends the law governing how the N.C. Utilities Commission  sets avoided cost rates for an electric utility’s purchase of power from a small power producer. The law, G.S. 62-156,  generally takes into consideration the electric utility’s need for additional capacity and the availability/reliability of energy provided by the small power producer.  The law already provides an alternative mechanism for determining capacity need with respect to energy purchased from swine and poultry operations with waste-to-energy systems by reference to G.S. 62-133.8. The 2019 amendment extends special treatment with respect to capacity need to certain small hydroelectric projects (those with total capacity less than or equal to 5 MW). In effect, the change appears to lock in the renewal of existing power purchase agreements between electric utilities and small hydropower producers that were in effect as of July 27, 2017.

Boards and Commissions.  Senate Bill 381  (Boards and Commissions) amended the appointment statutes for the Clean Water Management Trust Fund Board and for the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund Board to give the Governor a majority of appointments to those boards.  S 381 continues a series of  legislative acts necessary to comply with the 2016 N.C. Supreme Court decision in McCrory v. Berger.  In that decision, the court  held that the Governor must have the power to appoint a majority of the members of any board or commission that exercises executive authority. See an earlier post  for more about the court’s decision.

S 381 also amended the Clean Water Management Trust Fund statutes to expressly give the Fund authority to accept FEMA funds for hazard mitigation and to disperse funds for projects to reduce flood risk.

Vetoed Bills.  For the first time since 2011, the legislature lacked a veto-proof majority in both chambers.  As a result, a  number of bills containing provisions related to environmental protection remain in limbo because the legislature has not yet voted to override Governor Cooper’s veto. The legislature could attempt to override those vetoes in 2020. The content of the vetoed bills will be discussed in a separate post.